
Thank you for taking the time to review my writing experiences and capabilities. You will get a snapshot of my passion for content design, communications strategies, and readership engagement within each deliverable.

My rich professional background in philanthropy, fashion, public service, power, and financial industries just to name a few, have played integral roles in my communications development. However, the creme de la creme are opportunities to team up alongside talented individuals who support and challenge me professionally and creatively. 

I first embraced writing in middle school after being introduced to poetry. From there, I learned to express myself by keeping diaries and journals. This safe space accelerated my desire to study Journalism in undergrad, and later obtaining an MBA in graduate school. I consider myself a formal and informal writer, and trust in my abilities to write about any subject with ease, clarity, and purpose.

The samples in this portfolio showcase my vast writing range from proposals, executive messages, email announcements, newsletter write-ups, to freelance pieces. I encourage you to simply lean-in, see my potential, and the added value that I can bring to your team.  I look forward to partnering and succeeding with you in the near future.


Terri A. Harris



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